Thursday, March 3, 2011

Small things matter...

I came upon this little clip while looking for some slow cooker recipes to simplify our lives a bit so that when we get home, it's not such a mad dash to get dinner on the table for the hungry family. It's a good reminder that it's the little effort that you make to spend time with your loved ones that really makes the difference. For those of us who are still slaving away at the corporate job, please remember, it's just a job. The execs don't really care that you're missing your weekend or your nights to spend with your family as long as their products get shipped and money into their pockets. So workers, stand up and leave work early and go spend some time to play with your loved ones who really do care about your time!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sneak peek

{Simplicity} Week 7 & 8 Catch up time

February has come and gone too quickly! We finally decided to pack up our minivan and take the kids on a road trip to see snow for the long holiday weekend and to celebrate our second's second birthday. 3hrs drive later, we find ourselves having to turn back because there was no power in the place we were going to stay at and the road conditions were pretty scary because of a snow storm the night before. We did manage to find a little patch of thin snow in the lower elevations and gave the kids 20 minutes of snow play before driving 3hrs back home. Thankfully the kids were really patient about the 6hrs of driving. It gave us hope that we could actually travel some distance away with 3 young kids. :)

Mmmmm.. roses. What more do I need to say here? It's the way to my heart and my hubby got them for me. (*^^)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

{Simplicity} Week 5 & 6

Yup, I missed my week 5, so I'm posting double this week.

This is for those of you who celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year. It's the year of the rabbit and here's my little girl in her traditional outfit giving us her "funny face".

This was one of those nights when my youngest decided that 3am in the morning was as good as any time to play. It's actually an enjoyable time of the day for me because it gives me time to contemplate without feeling like I'm neglecting a chore. Of course, I pay for it sometime later. :)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

{Simplicity} Week 4

When winter comes, one of the things that I look least forward to is how dark it is when I'm heading home. This week, I found a simple moment of happiness seeing this on the way home. It's not even the end of January and it's actually still light out. Nice blue skies with bursting red of the clouds lit by the setting sun, all the while, Journey's on the radio serenading the end of the day... Perfect.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Brotherly love

I had a great session with my cousin-in-law's family. It was my first time meeting the younger one and it had been a while since I saw the older. These two played so well together already! And yes, I got to pinch to chubby cheeks.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

{Simplicity} Week 3

Sometimes, a little milk and cookies will make all those tantrums just go away.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

{Simplicity} Week 2

*whew* what a week.. Barely made it to this posting before the end of the week. This week is all about looking through the child's eyes.

My son never ceases to surprise my hubby and I at how sharp his eyes are and what things catch his attention. In a recent walk in a community farm park, my son kept asking me what those "blue things" are. I must've stared at the ground for a few minutes trying to figure out what he was looking at and came upon this little gem. It was simply a set of glass embedded in a piece of cement. The colors are so brilliant and beautiful. I've got to get on his height more often and see things from his perspective more. Everything seems so "new". :)

Friday, January 7, 2011

{Simplicity} Week 1

Happy New Year, everyone! It's pretty insane how quickly time flies. Since my last post, I've had my 3rd baby. So now I'm the mom to 3 kids, 3 and under. Life gets to be a bit crazy having to juggle a full time job, a part-time job, some additional side projects, while doing all the mom things with 3 little kids. With so many things going on, sometimes it feels like I miss the simplest pleasures in life. Everything becomes a checkbox in a to-do list that seems ever growing. So for the new year, I've decided to start this 52 week project, {Simplicity}, to take a photo each week to remind me of the simplest things that I enjoy in life. And so, here's week 1...

Water. It's the first thing in the morning that quenches my thirst. Standing in that hot shower at the end of the day is the most amazing thing in the world to tune out everything and just listen to the water hitting the shower floor and feeling the stress in your body just melt away.